Monday, April 9, 2012

Learn to drive

 I have not really decided what direction to take yet with this blog, so far it seems to be veering towards my personal rants. Today I encountered so many stupid drivers, that I just felt the need to rant about it. I may not be the best driver in the world, but I do consider myself to be a safe one and not one of the many stupid people that drive on our roads. Sorry if anyone reading this might be part of that statistic! It seems like now a day’s people are always in a hurry to get somewhere, always speeding, driving carelessly and talking on their phones. Taking your time to enjoy the scenery and what is going on around you is a thing of the past. People are always racing to be first, I will be going a steady 70-75 on the hi-way in the fast lane and up comes a nice fancy BMW riding my ass trying to insist I go faster even though I am already going 15 over the speed limit. What do I do in this situation; I stay in the fast lane going 75 forcing him to continue to ride my ass or get over and in the end result in getting stuck behind an even slower semi. It must suck to be in such a hurry only to get stuck behind a semi that is going 65, sorry pal. Another thing that kills me is people texting while driving. I will admit I am guilty of texting when I am going 10 mph down the road or even at stoplights but there comes a speed when text should just stop. Going 75mph down the hi-way driving with your knee looking down and texting with both hands really is completely stupid. The next thing that happens is you veer to the left and end up cutting me off and almost causing a wreck. Good thing I was actually paying attention to your stupidity! The moral of the story is now a days people must be getting their licenses from a box of cracker jacks, because most of these people seem to lack even the slightest bit of common sense! I will leave you with the video just to show the in action stupidity of people!
Stupid Drivers and Near Misses Video!

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